Through habitat geobiology, we analyze your environment to improve its quality.

We are constantly surrounded by energies that bring us comfort and quality of life. Thanks to them, we live in a world filled with technologies that simplify our daily lives.

But is it all safe? And at what cost?

Are you protected against lightning? No, the big pine tree next to your house does not act as a lightning rod…

You have efficient heating, but is your home’s insulation up to par as well?

We use television screens, computers, smartphones, and LED bulbs in our professional and private environments, but are they safe for your eyes?

Electricity generates electromagnetic pollution of varying intensities. Your workplace and home may be affected by electromagnetic pollution or electrosmog (for example, can your bedroom provide you with a healthy and restful sleep?)

We can provide answers to your questions and solutions.

Offre de lancement

Optez pour une eau exempte d’impuretés, grâce à notre système de filtration. Avec un contrat de maintenance, nous le garantissons à vie (sans limite de temps) !